2008년 4월 22일 화요일

7th : How do you spend your spare time nowdays?

Hi Everyone~~~

I was wondering how did you spend your spare time for last 7 weeks.
Definitely, I guess You spent studying Enlish such as listening, writing, pronouncing.
I also spent like that. Could you introduce the best way of studing English?
Please help me~~~

댓글 4개:

Nicole :

Hi Jessica,
Of course, as a conversation instructor, I think that talking is the best way to improve your skill level but I think that a good combination is important. For example, watching a movie and then dicussing it with others is a great way to combine skills.

Tim-shinhk405 :

Hi, my lovely Jessica!
Ha ha,
I think my listening ability is terrible, I have to use my spare time to study toeic listening. I am not accustomed to listening part 3, 4. I am so sorry that I have to spend much time studying the part, but till now I don't experience my increasing score of the part. I'll try to do continually!!!

Nature- Jayeon Kim :

Hi! My lovely Jeccica!
I'm so happy to be with you in class. You are so generous, sincere, and studious. You are the right person I really want to be. And I'd like to follow your way to improve my English. It is not easy to study in my spare time after class. I'm usually exhausted after class so I can't not concentrate more. Improvement is the most important thing in this course. But let's relax ourselves and enjoy English. I hope we can laugh out together watching English comic programm someday.


I'm Paul.
I have no spare time.
I only study by internet.
So I'm very tired and sleepy.
Have a good luck Jessica.